Managing Stock Level #
This is where a business owner manages or monitors their stock level, to know the specific quantity of their products. To do this follow the steps below:
- on the sidebar to the left of your screen, scroll down and click on “REPORT”
- A long menu drops down, click on “STOCK REPORT”
- A new window pops up, here you’ll see a report of your current stock which can be printed or exported to excel
This feature enables business owners to adjust stocks that are over. For instance, if what the business owner has in his shop is less than the quantity available in the software.
After proper inquiry and explanations from the salesperson, the business owner can adjust the stock to tally with the physical stock using the stock adjustment feature.
Also, the business owner can use this feature when removing expired products from his current stock. It is subdivided into the following: 1. list stock adjustments and 2. Add stock adjustment
List Stock Adjustment: #
This contains the list of the stock adjustments done by the business owner, for record purposes.
Add Stock Adjustment: #
This is where you deduct from the overage on a particular product thereby balancing the stock
To add Stock Adjustment, follow the steps listed below: #
- on the sidebar to the left of your screen click on “STOCK ADJUSTMENT” A drop-down menu appears
- Fill in the necessary information and click “SAVE”
You’ve successfully adjusted your stock
This feature helps business owners with 2 or more branches of business registered on the software to transfer stock between these locations with an accurate record.
This feature is subdivided into “list stock transfer” and “add stock transfer”.
List stock transfer: this enables a business owner to see all the stock that was transferred from one location to another. Add stock transfer: this feature enables the business owner to transfer stock from one location to another. For instance, a business owner that has two locations can keep track of products he transferred from location A to location B by adding stock transfer.
To add Stock Transfer follow the steps below: #
- on the sidebar to the left of your screen locate and click on “STOCK TRANSFER”
- From the drop-down menu that appears click on “ADD STOCK TRANSFER”
- A new window pops up, fill in the required information and click on “SAVE”
In conclusion, the Stock Management features of TranziPOS offers you a variety of features that you can utilize to make your business grow
Watch the video below to learn how you can do stock transfer from one branch of your business to another:
(Create a video on how to transfer stock)